Title image

(Credit: GIF Image)

One of the most iconic things to animate is a bouncing ball and animations can be created using HTML and CSS. Today, let’s put our CSS animation skills to the test by creating a bouncing ball.

The Ball

To create a bouncing ball, we need a ball to animate so let’s create that using HTML and CSS. For the HTML, let’s create a <div> element:

<div class="ball"></div>

If you execute the code, You’ll see nothing because our <div> doesn’t have anything to display. Let’s change that with CSS. Let’s make something appear using CSS:

.ball {
    position: relative; /* Will be used later for the animation */
    width: 20px; /* Change this to make the ball wider */
    height: 20px; /* Change this to make the ball taller */
    background-color: red; /* Set this to whatever color you want your ball to be */

Run the code and you see a… Red square? I thought it was a ball, let’s change that by adding the border-radius property:

.ball {
    position: relative;
    width: 20px; 
    height: 20px; 
    background-color: red; 
    border-radius: 50%; /* Makes the square round */ 

There we go, now we have a red ball, but wait… It’s not moving! Let’s make the ball bounce.

The Bouncing Ball

Let’s make the ball bounce using CSS animations. First, let’s tell our element that it’s going to be animated using the animation property:

.ball {
    position: relative;
    width: 20px; 
    height: 20px; 
    background-color: red; 
    border-radius: 50%;
    animation: bounce 2s forwards;

We will call our animation “bounce” and it will take 2 seconds to bounce. I used forwards at the end so it bounces only once. If you want it to keep bouncing, change forwards to infinite at the end. Now let’s create the animation:

@keyframes bounce {
  0% {
    bottom: 0px;
  50% {
    bottom: -90vh; /* Make it higher if you want the ball to bounce lower */
  100% {
    bottom: 0px;

Save the scripts and run the code and the ball should gracefully fall, and gracefully come back up, all in 2 seconds.


This was a simple project, yet fun to code and I will find a way to make more of these CSS animation projects and upload them here. If I do they probably will be more site usable and have reasoning.