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I decided that for 2023, I would make a couple New Year’s Resolutions. I encourage you to do this too if you think you need it.


1: Start properly titling my Git commits.

At the time of writing, my most recent commit (be4eccc) is titled:

“update comments.html”

(NOTE: I’m talking about this blog. It happens to still be my most recent Git commit in general though.)

I could’ve titled it:

“Updated comments section”

and you would’ve had a little more information (That example didn’t really provide much more information)

2: Start adding more images to this blog.

Sadly, you won’t be seeing any images for this post but since I’m posting this on the last day of 2022, my next post will have images. For every post, I add an image at the top but that’s really it. I will start adding more images to my blog starting on my next post.

3: Update the home page of the blog.

It is pretty bland. I will make it look more appealing now that I’m starting to look into this more. I’m learning more about Jekyll so hopefully, I can make the home page look better. (If you didn’t notice by now, this is run with Jekyll and hosted on GitHub pages. nikhilhex.github.io redirects you to my custom domain.)

4: Add a comments section to the blog.

I am working on one at the time of writing, sadly this won’t be finished before the new year so I make it a goal for the new year. (The commit I linked upwards was part of the integrating process).

5: Write less about my own projects and write about more interesting and appealing things.

This is probably my biggest goal because right now, my blog just projects projects projects. Maybe a little bit of interesting and non-interesting stuff in between. This post is probably a waking call for more interesting posts.

6: Restyle the blog.

This blog uses the Jekyll theme “minima”. I am going to restyle this to look much better as soon as I can.

7: Update my main page.

I am talking about nikhilharry.com; My main website. There is a projects section but no projects in it. This “no-projects” thing on my website is not true. I have many projects. I plan to make a “projects” area that connects to GitHub API and post my repositories. Once I get that to work, I will probably post a tutorial for this to go along with Resolution #5.

8: Make a checklist for features to be added to the blog.

I listed a lot of features so to go along with Resolution #3 I will add a checklist on the main page. This would be open for contributions so I know what you guys want to be added.

9: Write longer blogposts.

Most of my posts are very short. This needs to be fixed so I can write more content for my blog.

10: Write more often.

5 months and… Not many posts. I need to write more posts and fill in the long gaps between my posts. It’s been a month and 23 days since my last post. I could also add a counter on the home page for this to help me out.

11: Learn a programming language.

There are a lot of languages out there to learn so I’ve decided I will learn a new one next year. I will post on my blog about this.

12: Make a mobile app and publish it.

I am learning .NET MAUI right now and once a good idea comes to my mind, I will develop it, log it (here), and publish it to the App Store or Google Play Store

13: Make a game and publish it.

Fun fact: Today is my second anniversary of Unity game development. 1 game was published to itch.io for a game jam and that one was buggy. I’m a part of a game team and I’ll write more about that when I can. Otherwise, I have the skills to make games so I have to start making games.


So those are my 13 resolutions for 2023. These will begin tomorrow. I will make sure most of these happen throughout the next year.